Crosswords Arena
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Speler | Score |
Speler | Score |
Speler | Woorden | Waarde |
Speler | Woorden | Waarde |
Speler | Woorden | Waarde |
Speler | Woord | Waarde |
Speler | Woord | Waarde |
Speler | Woord | Waarde |
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About the Game
Crosswords Arena is a word game in which two players score points by placing letters on the game board. The letters must form words when read from left to right or from top to bottom. Each formed word must be connected to existing letters on the board and be present in the dictionary.
At the beginning of the game, 100 random letters are generated and placed in a bag. Each player draws seven letters from this bag. The starting player is determined randomly.
On each turn, the player has two options:
- Exchange zero or more letters for an equal number from the bag. (Pass button)
- Play at least one letter on the board, adding the value of all words formed to the player's score. (Submit button)
A play consists of a string of contiguous letters, horizontal or vertical. The first word played must cover the center square. Subsequent words must be connected to existing letters on the board. The player's rack is refilled with letters from the bag.
End of Game
The game ends when a player has no letters remaining on his rack or when both players passed for two turns. The player with the highest score wins the game.
The value of all new words formed in a play is added to the player's score. The value of a word is the sum of the letter values which are indicated by dots on the letter.
Placing letters on bonus squares increases the value of the word:
- Letter multiplier squares double (2L) or triple (3L) the value of the letter on this square.
- Word multiplier squares double (2W) or triple (3W) the value of all letters in a word.
At the end of the game, the value of all remaining letters on the rack is substracted from the player's score.
Dutch translation by Darren Gourley.
A … Z | Letter plaatsen |
← ↑ → ↓ | Vierkant kiezen |
Spatiebalk | Richting aanpassen |
Backspace | Verwijder laatste letter |
Verwijderen | Verwijder de letter van de geselecteerde vierkant. |
↵ | Verzend woord |
– | Overslaan |
Muiswiel . | Shuffle letters |
2 | Toon lijst van twee-letterwoorden |
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Developer of Crosswords Arena
P.S.: Feel free to always contact me directly, especially if something is not working.